Friday, August 31, 2007

Who is Mr. Franklin?

Mr Franklin received his Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics Education from S.U.N.Y. Cortland in 1998. He then moved to North Carolina where he taught in suburban Charlotte for two years. After spending two years in North Carolina, Mr. Franklin decided the sunshine nearly everyday was too much, so he moved back to New York near Buffalo. In the six years he lived there he taught at Batavia H.S.,Iroquois H.S., and earned his Masters Degree from Buffalo State College. Mr Franklin is excited to be teaching at Hornell H.S. because he is from Arkport and is now again surrounded by family and friends. Mr. Franklin has a passion for teaching and creates a thoughtful classroom in which all students are invited to succeed. Mr. Franklin looks forward to meeting you and hopes to spread his excitement about Mathematics!!

Class Information